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On page 6, "For every 5 and 6 rolled, add 1 to Training. Then subtract 1 from Training." I'm pretty sure that's a typo. What's supposed to be there?

(2 edits)

On page 8 is the same for Materials. I believe you substract at the end from the total, rising the stakes a little bit.

Still the stakes are very low with 16 conviction, it's much more exciting rolling just 10 dice.


I have a question.

I have only 3 in-game weeks.

I start with 16 Conviction.

I can spend Conviction up to 5 per week.

So I can only use 15 Convictions in 3 weeks.



I May have slightly messed up my math when making this game. Will be fixing that very soon. Thank you for telling me, I don't think I would have noticed otherwise.